A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 14 January 2014

A 13 year-old land activist from Borei Keila community tried to commit suicide due to despair and injustice after losing all her land and bully from her school peers.

Nhen Srey Mei, a 13 year-old land activist from Borei Keila community tried to commit suicide due to despair and injustice after losing all her land and bully from her school peers. If you want to help save her life, please call Ven. Loun Sovath on 012 83 83 22.


Anonymous said...

Evil Khmer, who were bullying her?

I was bullied till I was 13. Then I studied special force martial arts to fight back against my bullies. By the age 14, I became the street battle commander. Many other bullies suffered brain damages by my hands and never fought again.

There was this one kid, I smashed his head against the cement wall. The sound was so loud, like a dry coconut banging. The adults accused me to be cruel but the fact was, he was twice as big as I was and he could have killed me. But I did a surprised attack and got an upper hand.

It was very vicious in Asia. One time I had to enter a blood duel for the right to exist. I managed to draw so much blood from my enemy, he lost nearly 1/3 of his weight after the duel.

If I become the supreme ruler of earth, I will make a decree to make sure the bullies can never fight again by permanently removing all of their offense capabilities.


Anonymous said...

Drgunzet, I thought you're youn. Why you like khmer blog?

Anonymous said...


You have shown your true colors now. I thought you are a "doctor" you claimed to be, but in reality you are a vicious street gangster.

Anonymous said...

I was not a gangster. I was a freedom fighter for a group of light-skinned kids who were oppressed, abused by the dark-skinned kids.

Every time when I administered my routine of removing the opponent's future offense ability, I always read the Confucius' classic, "Don't do to others what you don't like to be done to yourself."

I always changed find way to improve things. I changed the tactics of inflicting brain damage to crushing the rib-cage. My reasoning was, if the enemy's rib-cage is fused, the enemy cannot draw much more oxygen to fight me. Believe me, I spent hours and hours in the library to study human anatomy to figure out a human way to deal with the dark-skinned kids.

One thing for sure, only the light-skinned kids were led with sophisticated warfare strategy and tactics. I applied Sun Tzu's Art of War to combat the more numerous and stronger dark-skinned kids.

My most famous battle was when I led 10 small light-skinned kids to battle against 20 big and strong dark-skinned kids and still won. That day, I smashed this one dark-skinned kid and destroyed his mouth. He bled so much and could not really eat for 2 months.


P.S. I am different from other kids in this one aspect. Say, one hour after a bloody battle, you can find me play with animals and pets as if there was nothing wrong. One of my talents is to charm animals. The logic was simple, the animals did not do any harm to me, they bring me joy. It's the humans who are troubles.