A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 14 May 2013

Opposition lawmakers face wage cuts

Give our kids a better deal
Cheam Yeap, National Assembly's Chairman of the Commission on Economy, Finance, Banking and Audit.

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) senior official showed a list Monday the eleven opposition party lawmakers who had left to join the newly-formed National Rescue Party (NRP).

Cheam Yeap, National Assembly’s Chairman of the Commission on Economy, Finance and Audits, said the salaries of these eleven lawmakers will be cut and transferred into the national budget.

The decision to freeze the salaries of the opposition lawmakers is awaiting the approval from National Assembly Chairman, Heng Samrin.

"The eleven members of parliament who joined the National Rescue Party will lose their positions automatically in parliament because the NRP doesn't have seats in the National Assembly," Yeap said.

The eleven lawmakers who had joined the NRP were Kem Sokha, acting president of the NRP, Yim Sovann, chairman of the executive committee, Yem Ponhearith, administration director general, Mu Sohua, director general of public relation and Ki Vandara, director general of Finance.

Other lawmakers were Koy Bunroeun, deputy director general of administration, Ou Chanrith, deputy director general of public relation, Choulong Somora, Kim Suorphearith, Son Chhay and Cheam Channy.


Anonymous said...

face look like Vietnamese dog

Anonymous said...

mok ah knhanh chas youn